Thursday, April 19, 2012

Women's Rights and the Media

Women in today’s society are doctors, lawyers, scientists, soldiers, and leaders. We as men love and respect our women as equals, wanting them to succeed in doing what they love regardless of what field it may be… although things have not always been this way. Imagine a world where women were not only looked down upon, but also treated as inferior beings with only a handful of rights. A world where women put themselves before their husbands and male family members because it’s the “right” thing to do. Sadly, his world was indeed a reality only about 150 years ago here, where we call home. Today we live in a society where men and women alike are equal in just about every way, though this lifestyle was not easily handed to them. Women had to stand and fight for what they have today. 

After reading a few chapters of the book, “Mightier Than the Sword”, there was one chapter that particularly stood out to me for the simple fact that it covers something that sadly I wasn’t so educated in as much as I thought I was, which is the topic of Women’s Rights. Being a journalism major, I found Chapter 3, “Slowing the momentum for Women’s Rights” to be jam-packed with information on just how powerful the media can be by practically determining where women stood in society. This chapter is an eye opener to what many of us have forgotten or might not have learned about our very recent past.         
          The institution of journalism of the 1800’s was completely male dominated, giving them control on how stories or topics were approached and deciding on whether or not they were even worth mentioning. Intimidated by the idea that women might rise from their second-class citizenship, these men unanimously decided to avoid the Women’s Rights Movement as though it is nothing even remotely worth mentioning. Whenever they actually decided to shed light on the topic, it was only to belittle the idea of such a movement by mocking and laughing at the idea of it. 

          “The average eighteenth-century woman assumed her place in society based on her husband’s identity. She was considered, by nature, to be incapable of serious thought or important decision-making. In addition to not being allowed to vote, a woman couldn’t retain property in marriage, even if she had owned that property before her wedding day. So in case of divorce, she retained neither the ownership of land nor the custody of children. She typically married at sixteen and gave birth to a child every two years through her forties. A third of those children died early, and she lost her own health-as well as her looks-by her mid-twenties.” – Rodger Streitmatter

         This quote, describing the women of their time is degrading to mankind, making women seem almost inhuman, as though they are only used as objects to breed with and nothing else. Who is to blame for influencing men and women to such an alternative lifestyle? All fingers should be pointed to the media. The media helped set these guidelines on how women should be treated in society in a degrading manner. 

There was even a variety of “women’s magazines” that instead of encouraging individual thinking, only shaped women into doing what pleased their men and encouraging the mindset of what they are doing is right. Many of these were, of course, published and owned by men. One article in Ladie’s Magazine stated that, “To make her husband happy and contented will ever be her wish, not to say her greatest pleasure”, basically explaining to women that they should never come first and their opinions shouldn’t matter. Another article stated, “A girl should be taught, that her peculiar province is to please, and that every deviation from it is opposing the design of nature”. This quote is far deeper, making it seem almost as if women are committing a sin by not pleasing their husbands to the fullest extent. Mind you, these were all published in magazine specifically for women. Ladie’s Magazine is only one of many that published similar instructions for women to abide by. Weekly Magazine also had an article, containing a checklist of the mot common errors when speaking such as “not acknowledging his superior judgment” along with “women voicing their own opinions” This is an example of how strong the media is, shaping the way people decide on what is “right” or “wrong”. 

Women today are strong and it is considered a good quality to be independent, but in the 1800’s widows and unmarried women were only looked down upon. Women feared the idea of not being single because it was the equivalence of being completely useful in society. How would you feel about being mistreated for being single? This lifestyle was completely unfair to women, but things do change. 


It wasn’t until the Seneca Falls Convention where the Women’s Rights Movement took action. Elizabeth Cady Stanton helped pave the way for many women, being the leading theorist, writer, and orator. Hat she did took only courage and bravery to step up against such a strong power. Finally, although dangerous, women began to think for their own. After the two-day convention and a success for women, the now threatened media stepped to the plate and responded. 

The media took offense to the Women’s Rights Movement and attacked with newspapers from all over the country with negative remarks:

            “Headlines ranged from ‘Women out of Their Latitude’ to ‘Insurrection among Women’. The Rochester Daily Democrat vilified the demands as ‘impracticable, absurd, and ridiculous.’ The Rochester Daily Advertiser belittled the proposals by calling them ’extremely dull and hardly worth notice.’.. The Mechanics Advocate in Albany criticized the resolutions as impracticable , uncalled for, and unnecessary.” – Rodger Streitmatter

Popular newspapers of their time such as the New York Herald, who called the Seneca convention, a “women’s Wrong Convention”, along with the Worcester Telegrapher, The Philadelphia Ledger, and Daily Transcript were all victims of attacking women for stepping up for themselves. This made it only far more difficult for women to achieve their goals. This discouraged men into being involved for the sake of not getting ridiculed. The support was drastic because of the power of the media. 



  1. Wow. You clearly did your homework and know what you're talking about I like that you have quotes, pictures, and links, all supporting your stance on this important issue.

  2. Tons of information shows you really care about the subject matter. wish you had some more multimedia. But definitely writing!

  3. Nice work, Ariel. I could read on and on, and I look forward to more of your work. Usually an imbalance of text and images leads people to look elsewhere in the blogosphere, but not this time. Keep up the good work.

  4. you do a real good job of explaining the topic
